Find a local Youth Group

Glenorchy Parish Youth Group

1st and 3rd Friday of each month (4pm – 6pm)

Fr Guy Riolo and the 24:7 Youth Ministers invite you to join them for the Glenorchy 24:7 Youth Group; a fun and vibrant evening filled with games, food, and Saintly content.

Who Can Join: Any school aged youth between 12 & 18 years of age
Where is it: Parish Meeting Room – St John’s Catholic Church, 64 Bowden Street, Glenorchy

Kingston-Channel Parish Youth Group

Thursday afternoons (4pm – 6pm) (Temporarily held at Church of Christ the Priest)

Fr Mike Delany, Maggie Sandric and the 24:7 Youth Ministers invite you to join them at the Church of Christ the Priest, each Thursday afternoon between 4pm and 6pm.

Who Can Join: Any school aged youth between 12 & 18 years of age
Where is it: The ‘foyer’ of Christ the Priest Catholic Church, 2 Jindabyne Rd, Kingston Beach
Cost: Gold coin donation to help cover the cost of food

New Town Parish Youth Group

2nd and 4th Friday of each month (4pm – 6pm)

You’re invited to join the 24:7 Youth Ministers at the newest 24:7 Youth Group, held at Sacred Heart College, on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month between 5pm and 7pm.

Who Can Join: Any school aged youth between 12 & 18 years of age
Where is it: The Parish Centre at Sacred Heart College, 2 Cross St, New Town
Cost: Gold coin donation to help cover the cost of food

Launceston Parish Youth Group

1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, from 6pm – 8pm

Fr Chathura, Mollie White and the 24:7 Youth Ministers invite you to join them for the Launceston Youth Group. A fun and community orientated evening filled with sport (including a very competitive Fr Chatty), food, and a special focus each week to help us go deeper in our walk with God and service of those around us.

Who Can Join: Any school aged youth between 12 & 18 years of age
When is it: Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 6pm – 8pm
Where is it: St Albie’s Hall, Margaret Street, Launceston
Cost: Occasional gold coin donation for special events

Sandy Bay Parish Young Adults Group (18-35)

Fr Shammi and the 24:7 Youth Ministers invite you to join them for the Sandy Bay Young Adult’s Group. A community orientated group focusing on study, prayer, service & outdoor adventure.

Who Can Join: Any 18-35 year olds
When is it: Sundays after 10am Mass, 11:15am-12:30pm
Where is it: Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 275 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay
Cost: Occasional gold coin donation for special events

MacKillop College and Mt Carmel College

If you’re fortunate enough to attend Mackillop College or Mt Carmel College, look out for the 24:7 Youth Ministers! A few 24:7 Youth Ministers are often at Mackillop College during Friday lunch times, whilst the others are over at Mt Carmel helping with a Youth Alpha program. Come and say hello!

Coming Soon

Devonport – The Mersey-Leven Parish will commence it’s youth group in Devonport in collaboration with 24:7 Youth Ministry and the Director of Youth Evangelisation, Sam Clear. The Devonport Youth Group should be up and running early fourth term of 2022. For more information chat to Fr Jaison!