Becoming Catholic (RCIA)
People arrive at the Catholic faith from many different paths. Life events, family and friends, joys and sorrows can all draw a person to respond to God in faith. Each year adults of all ages, from different walks of life, decide to make their journey through life with the Catholic Church.
We welcome people to walk with us while still feeling undecided. It’s important to know that there is no obligation and no pressure for a person to become Catholic.
What does it mean to be Catholic?
Catholic Christians are disciples of Jesus Christ. They enter the Church through Baptism, by which their sins are forgiven and they are made children of God. They grow in their Christian faith life– developing their relationship with Jesus Christ–through participation in the sacramental life, regular prayer, charitable works, and moral discipline. This is the work of the Holy Spirit who has been poured into their hearts at Baptism (Rom 5:5).
The Journey of Faith
Jesus Christ calls each of us to enter into a personal relationship with him. Our Lord Jesus Christ offers us his friendship, compassion, and forgiveness. In drawing closer to Christ many people experience a great sense of joy and inner peace as they discover God’s infinite love for them. The Holy Spirit brings us enlightenment as he strengthens and consoles us. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of preparing unbaptised adults for membership in the Catholic Church. The RCIA is a spiritual journey—gradually coming to know and love Jesus Christ and all that he has revealed to us about God and ourselves. Through the careful guidance of committed Catholics, one learns to live the life of a committed Christian disciple.
Why become Catholic?
The best answer to this question is because Catholicism is the true and full path to enter into communion with the Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we come to know and love God the Father in the Holy Spirit. Salvation is found only in Jesus Christ. By becoming a member of the Catholic Church we are united to Jesus Christ and to all other Christian believers, who are united to Christ through one faith and one baptism.
Becoming Catholic brings true freedom—freedom from sin, from fear, from all that holds us back from becoming our true selves—and brings the gift of eternal life in heaven with God, and all the angels and saints.
The Catholic life is a beautiful life. It is a life worth living!
Want to know more? Contact us today!