Building faith and friendship one step at a time
By Veronika Cox
Walking the Way to St James Cygnet pilgrimage was an opportunity to grow in faith, according to St Joseph Affordable Homes apprentice Max Hodge.
Coaches and apprentices from Build Up Tassie, Centacare Evolve Housing and St Joseph Affordable Homes team joined the pilgrimage this year.
“At the start of the pilgrimage, I was worried about the physical side of the walk, and although at times, it was a challenge, I believe the spiritual and mental side were more a challenge to me, pushing yourself to keep going,” he said.
“By the end of the experience, I felt like I did grow in my faith, finding those special moments of self-reflection were awesome, and I will never forget them.”
He was one of 150 pilgrims who trekked 30km through the Huon Valley over two days.
Centacare Evolve Housing Marketing and Communications officer Ellie Boxhall said Build Up Tassie Coaches Bella and Bec joined St Joseph Affordable Homes Apprentices Zeke, Max, Amaya and Jackson.
“The team not only completed the walk but cooked the evening BBQ, encouraged those around them, and helped to carry the Icon of St James through the streets of Cygnet to St James Church to complete the Pilgrimage,” she said.
“All of the apprentices showed amazing team spirit and supported not only each other, but those around them. We couldn’t be prouder of the teamwork, friendship, and spirit that the crew showed throughout the weekend!”
Build Up Tassie Apprentice Coach Bella Quinn said the event was a great opportunity to live the mission of the church by coming together and reflecting on what it means to be part of an amazing team – not just as a crew representing St Joseph Affordable Homes, but as part of the 150 pilgrims in The Way to St James walk.
“There were many special moments to reflect on throughout the walk,” she said.
“Zeke brought out the true meaning of having each other’s backs by helping fellow St Joseph Affordable Homes apprentice, Amaya, along the steady hill on Sunday. He placed a supporting hand on her backpack the whole way up the hill – a great show of team spirit, camaraderie, and friendship.
“All of the apprentices have said that they got a lot of the experience and that they will be encouraging other St Joseph Affordable Homes apprentices to join them at next year’s pilgrimage.”
St Joseph Affordable Homes were proud sponsors of this year’s Way to St James Cygnet pilgrimage.