Young join forces for ‘super’ youth group

27 young people from various youth groups around Tasmania came together for a combined ‘super’ youth group at the Sacred Heart Primary School gymnasium in Launceston on Saturday 9 July.
A mini-bus travelled from Hobart carrying members of the Kingston and Glenorchy Youth Groups, whilst the Launceston Youth Group set up the space and welcomed everyone.
The event was the idea of Launceston Parish Youth Group leader and host for the day, Fr Chathura Silva, and was organised by Sam Clear, Director of the Office of Youth Evangelisation.
The day was facilitated by Mark and Catherine, two of the 24:7 Youth Ministers. Local Launceston parishioners also volunteered, stepping in to provide food throughout the day.
The theme of the 10am to 5pm super youth group was, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made,” (Psalm 139:14).

The young people enjoyed a relaxed day combining fast paced games, interactive input from the 24:7 Youth Ministers, and a time of prayer as they explored the idea that they have been created with beauty and dignity, which when fully alive glorifies God. They were then given the opportunity to hand all they have back to God and to seek His guidance.
Sam Clear summed up the day saying that, “The youth enjoyed the day so much that as soon as we wrapped up the combined youth group the Hobart youth were asking if they could host a combined youth group at the end of next term, and the Launceston Parish Youth Group members were asking if a bus trip could be organised for them to travel to Hobart.
“The content was great, but in particular it was special to see the youth becoming friends over the course of the day, even if that took the form of ganging up on Fr Chathura to win the soccer ball back off him at lunch time.”
In the months to come it is hoped that a number of new youth groups will be established across the state, including in the Mersey-Leven Parish, the Huon Valley Parish, and the Cathedral Parish based at Sacred Heart Church in New Town.