Catholic Education Week 2021

The theme for this year’s Catholic Education Week was ‘Faith in the Future’, and marked 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia.
Catholic Education Director Gerard Gaskin said with Tasmania’s first school opened in 1825, it was exciting to celebrate what was almost 200 years for the state as well.
“Over the past 200 years Catholic schools have made an incalculable contribution to Tasmanian life, faith and culture,” Dr Gaskin said.
“This year during CEW, we celebrate and give thanks for this great gift from the Church. Held around the feast of St Mary MacKillop, CEW honours her legacy and points to the glorious Assumption of Our Blessed Mother Mary which is celebrated at this time.”
Dr Gaskin said as Australian culture becomes increasingly secular, Catholic education alone answers the call of Jesus to “Go and Teach” (Matt 28:18-20).
“CEW is the opportunity to honour the countless educators whose tireless efforts contributed to the religious, academic and social development of Tasmania’s children for almost two centuries.
“It is also a reminder to governments of the need to continue to support the parents of our students, as they make personal financial sacrifices to support their children’s education in the Catholic system,” he said.
“It is an honour to serve alongside these worthy servants of Catholic Education.
Without their personal dedication and religious commitment, we would not be able to continue to announce with pride our commitment to an education which is Christ centred, student focussed, learning for life.”
2021 Catholic Education Week Tasmania recognition awards
The following people have been recognised for their contribution to
Catholic Education in Tasmania.
Exemplary contribution to Catholic Education recipients:
Bernadette Brooks
Holy Rosary Catholic School, Claremont
Fr Mark Freeman
Launceston Parish (awarded 2020, presented 2021)

Absent: Bernadette Brooks
Outstanding service as an employee within Catholic Education recipients:
Carmelita Coen
Sacred Heart College, New Town
Olivia D’Crus
Guilford Young College, Hobart
Dr Amanda Moran
Guilford Young College, Hobart
Sue Reardon
Holy Rosary Catholic School, Claremont
Anne-Marie Thuringer
Sacred Heart College, New Town

25 years of service awards:
Michelle Harris
Guilford Young College, Glenorchy
Fiona de Wit
Larmenier Catholic School, St Leonards
Leanne Hall
Sacred Heart Catholic School, Geeveston
Janine Bushby
Sacred Heart Catholic School, Launceston
Michelle Wootton
Sacred Heart Catholic School, Ulverstone
Georgie Fleming
St Cuthbert’s Catholic School, Lindisfarne
Joanne Holborow
St Mary’s College, Hobart
Kim McInnes
St Patrick’s College, Launceston
Nicki Conn
St Patrick’s College, Launceston
Cindy Gangell
St Virgil’s College, Austins Ferry
Fiona Chambers
St Virgil’s College, Hobart
Christopher Bracken
Tasmanian Catholic Education Office
Jane Heatley
Tasmanian Catholic Education Office
Jenny Noble
Tasmanian Catholic Education Office
Matt Jones
Tasmanian Catholic Education Office (awarded 2020, presentated 2021)