Catholic burial & cremation database now accessible online

The digitisation of Tasmanian cemetery records is an important step in preserving information and enabling better site management, according to project manager Paul Taranto.
The project includes aerial images of the state’s 47 cemeteries, burial records and information and map creation capabilities.
“In late 2019, the Government brought in new legislation around the Burial and Cremations Act,” Mr Taranto explained.
“This was essentially around making sure you’ve got records relating to burials, ensuring you’ve got the application process and having a map available if someone wants to see where to go.”
Mr Taranto said the move from paper-based records to digital was timely.
“Around different parishes we have 60 or 70-year-old books sitting in fire safes, that contain all the death registers and information,” he said.
“By moving this online we are creating a process that can be used and accessed from anywhere, and the information is safely stored to last beyond our years.”
Mr Taranto said the project brought different information together in one single data source.
“We have drone images of the sites and plots, which we then populate with information including name, date of birth and even historical notes or stories,” he explained.
“It has great potential to be used in several different ways.”
The digitisation also means information will be more accessible to the general public.
“You can research family history and finds records quickly,” Mr Taranto said.
“You can search for family members, reserve a specific plot, generate a map of the cemetery, or even visit your grandparent’s grave from anywhere in the world.”
Click here to access the website.
Top image: Project Manager Paul Taranto.