Marian Eucharistic Conference draws families together in faith

By Josh Low

Supporting and inspiring families in their faith lives was behind a Marian Eucharistic conference recently held at the Emmanuel Centre in Launceston.

Run by a team of missionaries from the Alliance of the Holy Family International, from 21 June to 2 July, the talks and workshops at the conference focused on faith formation and the sanctification of the family.

More than 50 people attended the conference over the course of the week, with more than 30 taking part in a family and group consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The team consisted of four professed religious brothers preparing for the priesthood, two professed religious sisters and two lay missionaries.

The conference was run by a team of missionaries from the Alliance of the Holy Family International, from 21 June to 2 July. Photo: Supplied

Parents of nine, Jacquie and Micah Harsh said the vibrant and inspiring group of missionaries were well received.

“They emanated a contagious love for the Catholic faith and a strong mission to support families in their role of forming and educating the children, providing practical ways to live out the faith in families,” she said.

At the heart of their formation was the promotion of the “CARE Lifestyle” – a way of family life grounded in Confession, Adoration, Rosary and the Eucharist.

“Confession, Adoration, Rosary and the Eucharist are the strong foundations in which families can grow closer to God and each other through life’s trials and challenges, with one goal in mind – to attain everlasting happiness in Heaven. That’s the goal of these practices,” Jacquie said.

“The family and group consecration led by the team will hopefully form a solid group of dedicated parishioners from the North, who will continue together with regular prayer groups and prayer vigils.”

At the heart of their formation was the promotion of the “CARE Lifestyle” – a way of family life grounded in Confession, Adoration, Rosary and the Eucharist. Photo: Supplied

Launceston parishioner Mary Sexton said she found the workshop on sacred music particularly impressive.

“They spoke of the real need for good quality sacred music – that musicians need to always give their best with appropriate hymn choices, with words that have solid liturgical and Eucharistic meaning.

“The music for the Mass is not to be seen as entertainment but has the sole aim of complementing the Mass and drawing people to deeper prayer, with the use of polyphony and chant (with an English Translation printed if possible) highly encouraged.

“We were divided into groups for the workshop and sent to our separate corners to learn our Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass parts and after only five minutes, came back together and put it all together beautifully with the assistance of the brothers.

“In just a few short hours, between lectures, we all produced six hymns in four-part harmony.

More than 50 people attended the conference over the course of the week. Photo: Supplied

“At Sunday Mass at the Church of the Apostles that same weekend, we implemented our newfound voices and sang two beautiful four-part harmony pieces. It has been great to see immediate follow through!

“Two of the brothers also came to our house and prayed the Rosary with us, enthroned our home to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and spoke to us about the importance of family prayer, and never giving up on praying for family who have gone astray, as things happen for a reason and will be used by God in his own time.

“The most beautiful moment happened when we were asked one by one to hold hands with each of our loved ones and say the following four things: It’s my fault, I’m sorry, please forgive me, and I love you.”

The Alliance of the Holy Family International is a global Catholic family movement which promotes devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, and calls people to what it describes as a Communion of Reparation, focusing on Consecration, Oblation and Reparation through Confession, Adoration, Praying the Rosary and receiving the Eucharist.

For future information regarding visits by the Alliance and other upcoming events at the Emmanuel Centre, please contact or 0458 003 642.

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