Now is the acceptable time

Ash Wednesday 2024

What are we going to do for Lent this year? With this ceremony of ashes we will be called upon to repent and believe in the Gospel.

As Lent now begins we enter into a quiet examination of the quality of our Christian life. I am sure we can see some of the positives in our Christian life and that is good, but, I am sure as well, that each of us do not need to look far to see what is still lacking in us. Lent is a time each year to address what is lacking in us.

When we come to examine our lives this year one way in which we can do so is in line with the response that Jesus made to the question: what is the greatest of the commandments?

We know Jesus’s answer – we are to love God with all our mind, heart and strength and to love our neighbour as ourselves.

As Lent begins we can have a moment of examination of conscience: how have I fallen short in my love of God? And how have a failed to love my neighbour as myself?

Immediately, I am sure, we can see our shortcomings in both of these areas. This can provide the basis for our engagement in Lent this year.

We can ask ourselves firstly: how can I improve my personal relationship with God. The obvious starting point is the quality of my life of prayer. How faithful am I to prayer?

We can resolve this year to deepen our life of prayer. We can take on some extra times for prayer, or I can simply improve the quality of the prayer that is already part of my spiritual life.

In the area of love of God we can also consider taking on some penances as a way of personal spiritual purification. Acts of self-denial, even simple act of personal discipline, can strengthen us spiritually.

Traditionally Catholics turn to this area and decide to make some personal sacrifices during the Lenten season. What will you do this year?

And, secondly, we can examine how much attention I am giving to love of neighbour. One obvious expression of this is giving to Project Compassion knowing that my generosity can directly assist someone in great need somewhere in the world.

It is also an opportunity to examine myself more generally about my willingness to be of service to others. Have I become too self-centred and self-focussed? Can I see ways in which I can make more effort to give of myself for the good of others?

Taking time during the days that follow to examine our lives we also should aim at making a good confession during this Lenten season.

With the ashes placed on our foreheads we have entered into Lent this year. Let us make a simple resolve that I will embrace the call of the Gospel and seek to refresh and deepen the quality of my Christian life. As we heard in the second reading, “Well, now is the acceptable time, this is the day of salvation”.

Archbishop Julian Porteous

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

Tags: Homilies