Catholic Education Week celebrated around the state

By Zac Piesse
Catholic Education Week 2023 was a resounding success as staff, students and friends of Catholic Education Tasmania came together to celebrate.
Award ceremonies in the North West, North and South of the state were held throughout the week, from 6 to 12 August, with the celebrations marking the 25th year of the Catholic Education Commission Tasmania (CECT) Recognition Awards.
This year’s theme was ‘Arise and Go!’ which calls us to follow in the footsteps of our patron saint of education, Mary of the Cross MacKillop, as she was called to arise and go with haste into the world and provide education to thousands of students.

It was fitting that the first Catholic Education Week event in the North West was at Marist Regional College, where former Burnie local Sr Josephine Brady RSJ gave a presentation on the life of St Mary MacKillop.
A member of the Sisters of St Joseph leadership team in Sydney, Sr Jo has held numerous teaching and leadership positions in Catholic schools across Tasmania.
She enlightened students on the important impact Mary had on Catholic education, and the Josephite charism that influenced many Catholic schools.

At the North Western CECT Award Presentations hosted by Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, Les Allen was recognised for his Exemplary Contribution to Catholic education thanks to his efforts working at Marist Regional College as the Business Manager and supporting many other schools with his extensive experience across the system. Two members of staff were also presented with 25 Years of Service Awards, in recognition of their ongoing commitment to their school community at St Brendan-Shaw College.
There was great student participation at the Northern Mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, with a St Patrick’s College student playing the bagpipes as Fr Ben Brooks and the congregation entered the church.
Following Mass, students were invited to a sausage sizzle at St Thomas More’s Catholic School.

At Sacred Heart Catholic School in Launceston, Year Six leaders took guests on a tour of the school grounds.
At the Northern Presentation, St Patrick’s College staff member Alanna Stretton was presented with an Outstanding Service award as an Employee within Catholic Education, with several schools also presented with school validation certificates.
The last of the Catholic Education Week celebrations was in the South, where the first Catholic Education Week Mass was held at St Mary’s Cathedral since its refurbishment late in 2022.
The Cathedral looked spectacular as students represented their school community with pride.

After the formalities of each regional Mass concluded, a total of eight schools were presented with their Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools certificate in recognition of their focus on four key areas within their school—Catholic Identity, Learning, Leadership, and Mission.
At the Southern Awards Presentations, it was inspiring to listen to the stories of each staff member who was presented with either a CECT Recognition or a 25 Years of Service Award.
Staff were celebrated by their peers for all their hard work, making Catholic Education Week a truly rewarding experience for everyone involved.
Congratulations to all award winners!
CECT Recognition Awards:
- Les Allen, Exemplary Contribution to Catholic Education
- Anita Smith, Exemplary Contribution to Catholic Education
- Stephen McCormack, Outstanding Service as an Employee within Catholic Education
- Jacquie Mayne, Outstanding Service as an Employee within Catholic Education
- Andrew Pinelli, Outstanding Service as an Employee within Catholic Education
- Alanna Stretton, Outstanding Service as an Employee within Catholic Education
- Brett Tanner, Outstanding Service as an Employee within Catholic Education
CECT 25 Years of Service Awards:
- Katherine Jackson – Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School, Lenah Valley
- Paul Egan – Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School, Lenah Valley
- Rachel Kelly – Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School, Lenah Valley
- Therese Kelly – Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School, Lenah Valley
- Mary Hansen – St Brendan-Shaw College, Devonport
- Nona Roberts – St Brendan-Shaw College, Devonport
- Mary-Anne Ford – St Brigid’s Catholic School, New Norfolk
- Gosia Moutwari – St Therese’s Catholic School, Moonah
- Fran Baccarin – St Therese’s Catholic School, Moonah
- Brent Scanlon – St Virgil’s College, Austins Ferry
- Cameron Brown – Tasmanian Catholic Education Office
Photos: Alastair Bett