Theology of the Body Retreat set to fire up faith

A retreat to ‘set your Catholic faith on fire’ is on offer in Hobart later this month.

The Archdiocese of Hobart’s Office of Life, Marriage and Family is hosting the Passion, Intimacy and Christ: Theology of the Body Retreat.

The presenter is Sydney-based Simon Carrington from Fire Up Ministries.

“The Theology of the Body is a bold biblical vision of what it means to be a human person, created male and female in the image and likeness of God,” he said.

“At a time in history when our culture is confused about what it means to be male or female, I can think of no more important message than the Theology of the Body. It is the antidote to the cultural chaos and confusion we are living in.

“St John Paul II, the author of Theology of the Body, seeks to answer two fundamental questions throughout the 129 audiences. First, what does it mean to be human? And secondly, how do I live out my sexuality in a way that makes me truly happy and fulfilled?

“The first part of the course is a study of what it means to be human and the second part of the course looks at the vocation to marriage or celibacy, and how to express our sexuality in a way that brings about true freedom.”

Retreat presenter Simon Carrington from Fire Up Ministries.

This is the 23rd time that Simon, who is the co-founder of Fire Up Ministries and has a Bachelor of Theology from the University of Notre Dame Australia, has run the course.

“Each time I present it, I grow in my appreciation for my faith,” he said.

“The Theology of the Body will set your Catholic faith on fire, and come alive in ways you never imagined.

“Past students have shared that it changed the way they see and value themselves, others and ultimately their relationship with God.

“The most common feedback I hear is that the course transformed people’s relationship or marriage.” 

This retreat is for anyone married, dating, celibate or single, over the age of 18.

It runs from Thursday, 24 August to Sunday, 27 August. Session times are – Thursday, Friday: 6.30pm-9.30pm; Saturday: 8.30am-8.30pm (includes lunch, dinner and Eucharistic Adoration); Sunday: 10am-1pm.

Cost is $40 for registrations before 14 August, or $55 afterwards. Go to for tickets and details.

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