Prayers for Fr Martin

The Archdiocese asks for your prayers for Fr Martin Aye Ngwe, administrator of the West Tamar Parish, who has been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.
Fr Martin, 54, is currently receiving medical treatment and has been advised to step back from all pastoral duties.
Archbishop Julian has appointed Fr Fidelis Udousoro to administer the West Tamar Parish for the immediate future as Fr Martin undergoes his medical treatment.
Originally from Myanmar, Fr Martin celebrated the 25th anniversary of his priestly ordination in April this year, and has served in the West Tamar Parish for nine years.
Of your charity, please keep Fr Martin in your prayers at this time.
A Prayer for Healing for Sick Family and Friends:
Lord Jesus, thank you that you love us.
I know that you hate what this illness is doing to my loved one.
I ask, in the name of Jesus, that you would heal this disease,
that you would have compassion and bring healing from all sickness.
Help me trust in you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.