A theological library online, anytime

The Fr John Wall Community Library in New Town has in recent years been working on the expansion of its collection to include a range of digital faith and theology resources accessible online through the library site.

Established in 2009, the Fr John Wall Library collection is an amalgamation of the former Tasmanian Pastoral Resource Centre and the retired St John Fisher College Library. It also contains books donated by Archbishop Guilford Young, Archbishop Eric D’Arcy and others donated by a number of past and present priests of the Archdiocese of Hobart.

The Library also primarily supports the resourcing of the Religious Education curriculum Good News for Living, and formation for mission of teachers in Catholic Schools throughout Tasmania.

Currently on offer are Diocesan wide subscriptions to the EBSCO Religion & Philosophy and eBook Religion collections, T & T Clark Theology & Religion Online, Oxford Very Short Introductions: Religion (eBooks), Cambridge Companion eBooks, Emmaus Video Productions, and The Tablet & Catholic Herald digital editions. Recommendations of resources (both print and digital) by patrons for addition to the collection are always welcomed, as the library strives to serve the theological resourcing needs of people in Catholic schools and parishes throughout Tasmania.

Fr John Wall (1937 – 2004) bequeathed a magnificent collection of books and artefacts of great historical and literary value, including a 1477 Latin Vulgate New Testament Bible. This special collection is securely housed in a purpose-built room attached to the library and can be viewed upon request.

Fr John Wall was a priest of the Archdiocese and distinguished scholar who (amongst other accolades), worked closely with Archbishop Eric D’Arcy in translating the Catechism of the Catholic Church into English.

Anita Gill is the current Librarian and is pictured here with the 1477 Latin Vulgate Bible. Photo: Josh Low

The Tasmanian Catholic Community is indebted to the kindness and foresight of Fr John Wall, whose vision of a community library came to fruition through this centre of life-long learning. Hobart is now one of only a handful of Dioceses in Australia who retain a comprehensive and contemporary resource centre for the Catholic Church community.

Membership of the library is free and open to all interested adults across the state. Patrons can search and reserve items (or view digital resources) from the Library’s online portal, and a postal service is available to all regions of Tasmania. The Library is open weekdays (all year) from 9am – 5pm, and tours of the special collection can be arranged by appointment.

Individuals, families (including with small children) and small groups are welcome to use the community space at any time during opening hours. The library also has a presence on Facebook and Instagram for users to follow.

Anita Gill is the current Librarian, having taken over from Ed Sianski who dedicated 36 years to the post, entering a well-deserved retirement at the end of 2020.

The Fr John Wall Library is located behind the Archdiocesan Offices at 35 Tower Road, New Town.

For more information or to register as a member of the John Wall Community Library visit catholic.tas.edu.au/fr-john-wall-community-library

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