Carols on the Hill to celebrate the Christmas message of hope

The Archdiocese of Hobart’s annual community Christmas event, Carols on the Hill, will be taking place on December 12 in line with government guidelines for COVID-safe events.

Archbishop Julian said that carol events are a way of preparing for the coming celebration of Christmas, and that the traditional meaning of Christmas has added significance this year.

“With our celebration of the coming of Christ, the sense of God’s love for the world, God’s desire to bring joy and peace to humanity –
I think that will have all the more significance this year in the light of our experience through the pandemic,” Archbishop Julian said.

The event’s program will again focus on traditional carols and will feature local musicians and performers Deep South, and Harry Jensen. Daniel de la Motte will again host the family-focused event.

Attendees are encouraged to bring a Christmas gift or non-perishable food items and place them under the CatholicCare Tasmania Giving Tree. The donated gifts will support those in need through the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal.

Tickets and further information can be found at

This event will be livestreamed to the Archdiocese of Hobart’s YouTube channel.

Carols on the Hill is an initiative of the Archdiocese of Hobart and is supported by the City of Hobart.

Tags: Archdiocese, News